Sergiy Balchenko

Sergiy Balchenko

Managing Partner/Director

Agricultural Sector | Public Sector | Manufacturing | Transport and logistics | Financial Sector | Natural Resources and Energy

Executive summary

Professional experience

For the past 31 years, Mr. Balchenko has managed audits and advisory services provided to companies in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus and Moldova, in accordance with national and international standards. Many Ukrainian companies and banks have succeeded in working with Mr. Balchenko and his team.

Mr. Balchenko has made a major contribution to the development of national audit by designing, for the first time in Ukraine, National Auditing Standards, based on International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and the Professional Code of Auditing Ethics.

Professional qualification

  • Certificate of auditor in the industrial sector and the banking sector of the economy
  • Member of the Federation of Professional Accountants of Ukraine
  • Member of the Union of Ukrainian Tax Consultants
  • Included in the register of auditors and auditing entities of Ukraine