Events on Ukraine's Recovery

As part of Ukraine's reconstruction, we at BDO in Ukraine focus on monitoring and presenting events taking place around the world. Our goal is to bring together the most relevant and useful events that contribute to the country's recovery and business development in the new environment.

We offer you a wide range of events, from international conferences to online webinars, covering important aspects of the reconstruction and development of our country. This is a unique opportunity for business representatives, experts and everyone interested in Ukraine's progress to share experiences, gain new knowledge and find partners for joint projects.

 Join us to open new business opportunities together and help Ukraine recover and move forward faster. Your activity and interest are an important contribution to the future of our country.(Po

 Announcements and events details dedicated to the post-war Ukraine Recovery.






9-10 October 2024Offline
(Poznan, Poland)

Polish Congress for Ukraine Recovery "Common Future 2024" 
The Ministry of Development and Technology of Poland, the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Association of Employers in the Construction Industry.
13-14 November 2024Offline (Warsaw, Poland)
4th International Exhibition & Conference REBUILD UKRAINE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY
Premier Expo