Olexandr Nikolayenko
In today's world, it is difficult to resist new trends, challenges and rules. Especially considering the recent events in Ukraine (military invasion of russia) and the consequences of the global coronavirus pandemic. Financial institutions are now facing multiple obstacles that have operational implications for the business.
As a result of the rapid development of digital technologies, companies in the financial sector face the challenge of quickly adapting to changes in the financial services market. Currently, in addition to the requirements for providing audits, financial services, consulting, and risk management, significant attention is paid to cyber security issues in the functioning of financial institutions. We understand that due to the rapid development of technologies, the financial business is undergoing constant transformations. We have first-hand knowledge of these transformations, which enables us to provide high-quality assistance, consultations and necessary services to financial market participants.
Equally important is the aspect of sustainable development of companies. We help shape a more reliable and sustainable future for the financial services sector by helping organizations to increase value, adapt faster to new realities and make a visible contribution to the achievement of the global goals.
BDO in Ukraine provides a wide range of services to financial companies. Having many years of experience in the international network, our employees help clients navigate in a dynamic, highly competitive industry. Auditors and consultants provide active assistance and comprehensive support to a wide range of banks, insurance companies, investment funds, and credit and financial institutions. Among the clients are over 65 representatives of the financial sector, whose trust is a confirmation of many years of experience and professionalism.
The company employs more than 40 professionals with experience in the finance segment who provided audit, accounting outsourcing, consulting, valuation, M&A, IT audit, cyber security and corporate training services to clients in this industry.
Through the ongoing work with the challenges facing the industry, we understand the specifics of the financial industry in sufficient detail. With the support of the BDO global network that includes international experience of 164 countries, as a result of joint work, the team is able to provide audit and advisory services, customized to the needs of each company. Team of BDO in Ukraine has participated in international projects for financial sector companies in such countries as the UK and Armenia.
You may seek the advice, and we will try to find the best solution that will satisfy the company’s request.