Reconstruction News from BDO in Ukraine


Current updates on the activities of BDO in Ukraine related to assistance during the war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.



BDO Ukraine representative took part in the event "Building a sustainable future: Trends and prospects of Ukrainian business" 

BDO in Ukraine representative Bogdan Galkin took part in the event "Building a sustainable future: Trends and Prospects for Ukrainian Business" event held on November 29 in Warsaw.


Discussion "Cybersecurity Market Development: Tools and Cooperation"

Andrii Borenkov, Head of Advisory BDO in Ukraine, took part in the discussion "Cybersecurity Market Development: Tools and Cooperation", organised within the framework of the USAID project "Cybersecurity of Ukraine's Critical Infrastructure" in partnership with Aspen Institute Kyiv.


The EBA presented the Map of Investment Opportunities of Ukraine to the EU audience

Vira Savchenko, CEO BDO in Ukraine CEO, took part in a discussion regarding role of the private sector in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction. During the event our long-time partner European Business Association presented the Ukrainian Investment Opportunity map.


Representatives of BDO in Ukraine attended UNITED24 Summit

Last Friday, our CEO Vira Savchenko and Head of Marketing Olga Korniichenko attended UNITED24 Summit. We remind you that UNITED24 is an initiative of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a fundraising platform that was established on May 5, 2022 to raise funds to support Ukraine.


Head of Advisory of BDO in Ukraine with the topic “Marshall Plan for Ukraine” at the “Business Forum: Taxes. Banks. Relocation. Marshall Plan” arranged by Interlegal

On April 21, Andrii Borenkov presented the topic “Marshall Plan for Ukraine: modernization and integration of the country into the EU through post-war reconstruction” at the “Business Forum: Taxes. Banks. Relocation. Marshall Plan” arranged by Interlegal.


Vіra Savchenko on behalf of BDO Ukraine took part in a Ukrainian business mission to the EU official bodies organized by European Business Association

During the meeting of Ukrainian business with EU officials, organized by the European Business Association, they discussed topical issues related to the post-war recovery of Ukraine.


Vira Savchenko, CEO of BDO in Ukraine, opened the event organized by UkrainePlatform with a speech titled "Derisking the Ukraine Recovery Landscape."

BDO in Ukraine is very committed to take part in post-war Recovery of Ukraine. We adjusted our service portfolio, adding evaluation of damages and war related losses. We advise our clients on how to adjust to current realities.


BDO in Ukraine employees have visited conference "Outlook Ukraine" organized by Norwegian – Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC) >>

The main goal of event was to discuss how the Norwegian private sector can take part in the rebuilding efforts and continue to support Ukraine.


On January 31st 2023 BDO in Ukraine employees Liliya Chernysh and Irina Sirotenko took part at the Business Forum RAPID RECOVERY OF UKRAINE in Luxembourg >>

The full-day panel agenda covered measures related to strengthening Ukraine’s investment environment including reconstructing basic and social infrastructure, opportunities in the technology and agriculture spaces, deepening financial markets, and regulatory and rule of law reforms.


Vira Savchenko participated in the Wilton Park dialogue ‘The role of the private sector in Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction' in Warsaw.

Vira spoke on the panel dedicated to the Public-private funding for Ukraine’s long-term reconstruction, together with representatives from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ground for further dissolution was established.


How can business assess and get reimbursement for losses incurred due to military aggression of rf? >>

How to reimburse the damage caused to businesses and people by the aggressor country? This matter is not fully settled, however, certain steps have been taken so far to address this matter.


BDO in Ukraine and platform UNITED24 become partners in initiatives to rebuild Ukraine >>

While the war is ongoing and Ukraine daily faces heavy losses, our country is already on the way to rebuilding and needs everyone's help. We are pleased to announce that this month BDO in Ukraine becomes an official partner of fundraising platform UNITED24.


Volunteer activities of BDO in Ukraine and its employees during the war >>

The following data will tell about the proactive volunteer activities and conscious social position of BDO in Ukraine employees during the war.


BDO in Ukraine: cooperation with East Europe Foundation and “Shelter” Project >>

We care about every Ukrainian, so we join charitable initiatives as partners and donors. We would like to highlight the issue of a very useful social project, Shelter, initiated in the early days of the war by East Europe Foundation.


The European Business Association informs of the launch of Ukraine Recovery Committe >>

Recently, the European Business Association (EBA) launched the Ukraine Recovery Committee. The Association informs that 19 International and Ukrainian companies, striving to provide their expertise and take active part in the processes of reconstruction of our state, have already joined the Committee.